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Male, 40 Years

Sandakahle H.

Male, 40 Years

Durban, South Africa

Distinction guaranteed Business studies Tutor in Durban.


I am a recent graduate who has completed my Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain and Operations Management at the University of South Africa. I am a results-driven individual and I... Read more

Teaching methodology

My teaching methods would differ from student to student, depending on where the student's strengths and weaknesses lie with regard to each particular module. However, a general ap... Read more

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Educational Qualification

Bachelor of Commerce in Supply chain and operations management

University of South Africa

  • South Africa
  • 2022

One year Certificate in International Trade

Institue for Quality

  • South Africa
  • 2010

One year Certificate in Shipping

SA Maritime and Transport College

  • South Africa
  • 2009

Certificate in Banking Services Advice NQF level 5

University of South Africa

  • South Africa
  • 2007

Learning Materials

PPT Slides

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Study Notes

Questions for You

Q: What is your approach to teaching key Business concepts, such as marketing, finance, accounting, and management?

I give the students practical examples to help them to grasp their study materials according to real-life situations.

Q: What is your approach to teaching Business ethics and social responsibility, and how do you help students develop a sense of corporate social responsibility?

The students need to first understand the importance of business ethics and social responsibility and how they impact on the organization they are working for. Then it will be easier for them to apply the practices as laid out in the study material. The same principle applies to Corporate social responsibility.

Q: How do you help students develop teamwork and leadership skills in Business Studies?

Making students communicate with their peers and engage in discussions relating to the modules or studies they are completing is important for the development of teamwork. Being able to guide other students will also develop leadership skills.

Q: What kind of opportunities do you provide for students to network and connect with industry professionals and entrepreneurs?

There are several networking sites such as LinkedIn where I guide students on how to upload their profiles in order to connect with potential employers.

Q: How do you help students prepare for Business-related exams and standardized tests, such as the SAT, ACT, or GMAT?

Doing past paper I beleive is the best way to prepare for exams as students familiarize themselves with how the lecturers will set out the paper and also the format.

Q: How do you help students develop presentation and communication skills in Business, and what kind of feedback do you offer on these skills?

Presentation skills are best developed through practice. Students need to regularly formulate presentations to be comfortable when they are put in a workplace environment. I give positive feedback and assist students where they need to improve their presentation skills.

Q: What kind of Business-related extracurricular activities do you recommend or facilitate for students who want to explore the field further outside of class?

Starting a small business venture is what I encourage all students to do. Volunteering at companies to gain experience is also important.

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